NAME – Pandit Nand Ram is known as Swami Parmanand (“Param- Anand: eternal bliss”)
Born – Pandit Nand Ram, Parmanand being his penname, was born in Seer Village near Mattan (Martand), one of the famous holy places of India (1791 – 1879) AD.
Parents – Both his father, Krishna Pandit, and his mother, Saraswati Devi, were of religious bent of mind.
Childhood – Child Nand Ram got his education in Persian, the court language of Kashmir those days, in his own village. He also learned Sanskrit from Sadhus who used to visit and stay at Martand temple. Nand Ram was a precocious child and his teachers and schoolmates were greatly impressed by his sincere devotion and inborn knowledge about spiritual matters. He attained mastery over Persian and wrote verses in that language under the pen-name “Gareeb”. Parmanand was married to Mal Ded, a girl from his own village. She was an ill-tempered lady, yet the tolerant nature of the saint took it in its stride.
Contributions – The devotional songs and hymns in praise of Lord Krishna are to this day on the lips of all Kashmiris. His poetic collections are available in both Devanagri and Persian scripts. Master Zinda Kaul, the famous poet of Kashmir, Pandit Narayan Kaul his beloved disciple-poet, Pandit Laxman Bhat of village Nagam, also have edited some of his collections. Parmanand was an eloquent and a gifted poet endowed with a forceful style. His Sudhama Charactar is regarded as one of its best Kashmiri renderings. His spiritual hymns and Leelas are recited in temples and on marriage ceremonies or on festivals such as Janamashtami or Shivratri. His style is direct and effective.
Parmanand’s philosophy is best depicted in Karam Bhoomika where he says that the highest good is only attainable when the self is subdued and that perennial joy is the reward obtained by the mastery of one’s own self. To overcome one’s own self, according to him, is to wage the toughest war in the battlefield of life and to subdue one’s own self is the noblest of all victories. Religion for Paramanand was not mere ritual and formal worship but something far more fundamental and a matter deeply connected with the soul. In the poem, Amarnath Yatra, he describes the different paths and stages an aspirant has to pass in spiritual Sadhana. Most of his poems are allegorical. His poem, Radha Suamber, is his masterpiece and is regarded as one of the most precious contributions to devotional literature. To read Parmanand or listen to his Leela’s is to live through a religious experience which gives Param- Anand: eternal bliss. He left the Kashmiri language positivity richer than he had found it. His writings provide convincing proof of the universality of the concept that Truth is one, though sages call it by different names. In his famous poem, Shiv-Lugan, Parmanand propounds the unity of the One and the many. The infinite and the finite are absolutely identical, according to him. In another poem, The Scenes of the Tree and its Shade, he says that God is attained by merging the finite with the infinite. He asserts that by getting freedom from our wordly fetters we can attain salvation. At about 90, this great mystic poet died in 1879 A.D. Pandit Laxman Bhat wrote his death date in his elegy in which he lamented, “The singing nightingale of the garden became silent making the garden desolate”.References:
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03 September - Kusha Amavasya
05 September - Pann Saath
06 September - Pann Saath
07 September - Vinayak Chaturthi
07 September - Pann Saath
08 September - Rashi Panchami
08 September - Pann Saath
09 September - Pann Saath
09 September - Kumar Shayam
14 September - Padma Ekadashi
16 September - Harud
17 September - Anant Chaturdashi
17 September - Pann Saath
18 September - Poornamashi
18 September - Pitra Paksha starts
21 September - Sankat Chaturthi
23 September - Sahibi Satam
25 September - Mahalakshami Ashtami
28 September - Indra Ekadashi Shradh
01 September - Swami Sarvanand Sahipora
02 September - Jotshi Prakash Kak (Bijbihara )
07 September - Swami Parma Nand jee
11 September - Mata Uma Devi
14 September - Swami Niranjan Nath Koul
14 September - Triloki Nath Ganzoo
15 September - Swami Kashi Nath Bab
16 September - Shree Man Bhat ( Fatehpori )
17 September - Bramchari Shree Kanth Koul (Jalali) (Fateh kadal srinagar)
18 September - Pratipada (Okdoh) ka Sharadh
18 September - Shree Shakar Sahib
19 September - Dwitiya ka Sharadh
20 September - Tritya ka Sharadh
21 September - Swami Lakhman Joo
21 September - Chaturthi / Panchami ka Sharadh
22 September - Shishti ka Sharadh
23 September - Saptami ka Sharadh
24 September - Ashtami ka Sharadh
25 September - Navami ka Sharadh
26 September - Dashmi ka Sharadh
27 September - Ekadashi ka Shradh
28 September - Dwadashi ka Shardh
30 September - Trayodashi ka Sharadh
01 October - Chaturdashi ka Sharadh
02 October - Punim / Amavasya ka Sharadh Jayanti
07 September - Shree Kishan Joo Razdan
11 September – Mata Laleshwari Jayanti
15 September - Swami Gash Koul Jalali
17 September - Brahmcharya Shree Kanth Koul ( Jalali)
24 September - Pandit Prem Nath Shastri (Bijbihara)
29 September - Shree Jagan Nath Shalla
29 September - Swami Anand Jee
30 September - Swami Kash Kak Panchak
16 September - Panchak will start at 5:44 Prata
20 September - Panchak will end at 5:14 Prata Yatra
02 September - Pawan Sandhya Yatra Verinag Sumbal
11 September - Sharda Peeth- Pak Adikrit Kashmir, Sadhu Ganga Sharda Bal, Uma Nagri Yatra, Gushi Yatra Kashmir
Har Mukut Ganga Yatra
14 September - Gotam Nag Yatra, Kashmir
16 September - Vyeth Truvah Yatra Kashmir
17 September - Pap Harn Nag ( Saliya Panzmula )
Anantnag Yatra , Iashmukam Yatra
18 September - Karkoot Nag Yatra Yagya
03 September - Mata Roop Bhawani Vaskur, Sumbal
07 September - Ganesh Asthapan Divas Zeethyar Kashmir
11 September - Aadarsh Nagar Bantalab Jammu
11 September - Sharda Bhawan Ponichak
11 September - Mohan Bab Ashram Jib , Udhampur
11 September - Pukhribal Yagya
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