Martand is the most unforgettable and beautiful construction work by Kind Lalitaditya.
He being a Kshatriya, from the Surya dynasty, built this temple in the honour of Sun God – Bhaskar. Though there are not much found ruins of the era of King Lalitaditya, Martand temple stands tall.
This temple holds a very high place in the world’s
greatest architectural designs and is considered to be the only example of the Kashmir architect. The temple has been built by square lime blocks and exhibits the pillars of Greek pattern. As per the experts this architecture is the blend of the Gandharan, Gupta, Chinese, Roman, Syrian-Byzantine and Green architecture.

The temple has a colonnaded courtyard with primary shrine in the center and surrounded by 84 smaller shrines stretching to be 220 feet long and 142 feed broad. There are various wall carvings also present in the temple which depict other Gods – Vishnu, Ganga, Yamuna etc.
This temple is estimated to be built between 725-756AD, however the foundation of the temple dates back till 370-500AD.The temple was destroyed on the orders of Sikandar Butshikan in 15th Century AD with the demolition lasting for an year. The archaeological survey of India has declared Martand temple as a site of national importance.

Article has been compiled from
Archaelogical survery India – Kashmir