Through this page we will bring you closer to the raw beauty of Kashmir Valley that is mesmerizing and breath-taking. A true reason why it is called Heaven on Earth…


Summers: Max:34 Min:23
Winters: Max:19 Min:2Kashmir At Glance


650.5 mm in Srinagar


Majority of the population includes Kashmiri Muslims, Kashmiri Hindus and Kashmiri Sikhs.


Kashmiri, Urdu(Official), Hindi


Geologists have found traces of rock formations and beds which belong to Paleozoic and Mesozoic era (Mainly Trias & Jurrasic Period). Also the oldest fossil found here belong to either Ordovician or Silurian.


Trees: Cannabis indica , Artemisia, Rheum, Polygonum Polystachyum and Polygonum rumicifolium, Rumex, Dipsacus inermis and Campanula.
Wild growing shrubs: Raspberry, Blackberry, Bramble, Strawberry , Gooseberry, Red currant and Black currant
Herbs: Aconitum heterophyllum , Hyoscyamus niger , Macrotomia Benthami , Viola serpens , Berberis Lycium and Pichorhiza Kurrooa.


Innuus rhesus, Macacus rhesus, the Himalayan Langur, Semnopitheceus Schistaceus, Felis pardus (Leopard), Felis torquata (jungle cat), Canis Lupus, Canis laniger (common in Ladakh and Tibet), Canis aureus (Jackal) and Vulpes Montana or common fox.